Rede über Indianer

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,




I want to lead in my topic with this quotation:


"All men were made brothers. The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it. You might as well expect the rivers to run backward as that any man who was born free should be contented when penned up and denied liberty to go where he pleases."


It´s from Chief Joseph who was a Native American tribe.


In my speech I want to inform you about the life of the Natives today. 150 years ago there were 250.000 Natives, who survived the systematic extermination. At the moment there are 4 Billionen people. The number changed but there is no difference between 21. century and days of the pioneers. I think you all know that the USA likes to present itself as moral authority towards the other countries. She interferes in the politics and asks them to accept the human rights. Please listen to the following examples and think about my last words:


Of course every country has the desire for gold, coal, wood, uranium, water or other resources. The Reservations are  wanted regions of companies and politicians because of their large existence. But they not only want resources, they also look for places for their toxic and radioactive waste. The tribal government is easy to catch because they need money and can`t imagine the terrible consequences of the toxic and radioactivity.


Another example that happened at the Big Mountain in the Colorado Plateau. there lived the Hopi and the Navajo. Some years there was a law which forced the resettlement of all people from the Big Mountain. The Navajo fight untill today but many resettled commited suizide because they couldn´t practice their traditions anymore. Probably you allready guess why the government resettled the people: Under the Big Mountain was coal, gold and uranium and that was more important than people.


But not only the USA and Canada are influencing the Natives in a negative way. Since 1980 the German air force is practicing in Labrador, Canada. The country was leased for Billions of Dollars from the government, but the land originally belonged to the Innu who depend on hunting. The air force is practicing 30 m above ground that leads to regular noise which changed the trail of the caribous and scares the families so they don´t want to leave their villages anymore. The point is that the Innu never gave away this land so our government is violating the international law.


I´m sure you agree with me that these actions aren't in the spirit of the human rights and I dare to claim that nothing changed between the 12. of October 1492 and the 12. of October 1992. It´s possible to compare the life of the Native Americans with the life in the developing world because they have an inadequate infrastructure, too few jobs, unemployment rate is about 80 %. They also have poor educational opportunities. In the USA and Canada a program for integration of natives is totally missing.


I don´t want to appeal you to support these people with money or other material things, I just want you to learn from them. More and more Native Americans meanwhile participate in the earth politics. And that is exactly the young generation has to do. We have to fight for changes, not with guns of course but we have to demonstrate and vote or even become a politician. We also have to accept other cultures and include them, remember 500 years ago the Natives did the same with the Europeans who came to their land and like Chief Joseph said: "All men were made brothers" and "The earth is the mother of all people", so let us fulfill this.




Thank you for listening and have a nice day.


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