One's place in society

I was asked to prepare a speech about how to find one's place in society. So I started to ask myself: What is my place? Where do I belong? And that weren't easy questions for me. I'm using the internet every day, but now it wasn't possible to go on Google maps and ask for my place in society. That's why I started to look in the deepest corners of my heart to find these answers.


First I realized how much impact the circum stances of our place of birth have. Are your parents rich and able to buy everything you want or are they not and you're happy with little things? Do you live in a big house together with your grandparents or in a small flat with your mum? In my opinion these conditions lead to different dreams and wishes for life. Another point to maintain is that kids don't get the same chances all over the world, for example in the developing countries, in Africa or Asia. There are so many children whose only wish is to get enough food to survive and education. In wealthy countries like Germany all these basic needs are naturally given, so the only thing children worry about is what to do in the future.


And I think everyone knows this question: What do you want to become when your an adult? In kindergarten and primary school you answered quick: I want to become a doctor like my mum or a police man like my dad. In my case it was becoming a pharmacist like my mum. But is that the true thing we really want? Aren't we only trying to emulate our role models? There are these people who still want to have the same job when they grow older, I actually still think about studying pharmacy. But most of us change their minds after some time and start to feel lost because there are so many other opportunities, chances but also risks. In my opinion it's important to try different things, make internships, look for hobbies which fulfill you. Art is what you like? You like music or books. Then pick a job which includes these things and don't care about what others think! Because otherwise you won't be happy for a long time.


But going that way isn't easy. We need support of our parents, family and friends, so that we're not scared of failing their expectations and people who listen, a place where we can express our thoughts and simply be ourselves. The last thing someone needs who is in a kind of crises, who doesn't know which job to choose, is pressure. I also often hear the words: You have to make a choice! There isn't much time left! But about the future everyone should think carefully and sometimes it needs time. I have to admit that I have a queasy feeling by choosing what I want to study because I know I'll probably have no second chance. After studying I will choose a workplace and probably will do that job for the rest of my life.


But one shouldn't be scared of making a wrong decision, yeah I know that's easy to say but it's right. If you're always thinking about things twice and fear mistakes, you will never be able to make a decision. Sometimes you simply have to do what you think is right and when you finally recognize it was a mistake, learn from it. In addition to that you sometimes have to close a door to open another. And when a door closes on its own, don't be sad about it! Probably the things come like they should.


       The one thing everyone should have in mind is that no one else should decide for you. You have to make the decision, because you have to live with it. You would like to move to Canada, do it! One's place in society isn't necessarily next to your family, but some really good friends around you are a must because happiness is only real when shared. Looking for a place in society is closely linked to looking for happiness or the meaning of life. So follow your dreams, because they will lead to satisfaction. One of my dreams is having my own family, living in a huge comfortable house, having a job I enjoy and enough free time for my friends and family. Now it's my turn to look for opportunities which include most of these things.


So in general everyone of us should be happy and thankful for living under such good conditions and with the support of others, the courage to follow one's dreams and not being scared of making mistakes everyone is able to create one's identity, find own values and in the end a place in society.


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